Monday, December 20, 2010

Between two lungs

Florence and the Machine again.  This whole album has been my inspiration for the last week. I love it. Music is a huge inspiration to my drawings.  I don't ever like drawing when it's silent.  Especially with Banjo Rat and Accordion Bear, I listened to so much banjo and accordion music.  How can I create these characters if I don't understand what makes them tick.

Don't really have a lot.  Winter break is going to be slow I think. Of course I have lots of sketches, but completed works are going to be few and far between I think. So first we have a little Lion King doodle. It's Nala and her mother Sarafina.  Nala is not pleased :P

Oh then we have a Banjo Rat page.  I love Banjo Rat and Trumpet Muskrat, they are so happy :)

Banjo Rat and Accordion Bear rockin' out! Banjo Rat is in the spotlight, I have to make him a more interesting main character. 

A very art nouveau sketch.  Graceful woman with graceful cranes is over done but I don't care.  I hate her face, but I like everything else.  I used two colored pencils, a marker, white gel pen and a black ball point pen. It felt good to make a (mostly) complete drawing traditionally.  I don't do that much anymore.  

I always have the most inspiration to work on art very late at night when I should be sleeping.  It's annoying.

Monday, December 13, 2010

No more dreaming like a girl

Florence and the Machine :)

I haven't done a lot this week. Have some sketches. Finals and what not...they are hard

Just some studies of Creepy Rabbit Guy.  Figuring out how he moves and how big he is. I like him.

Drawn from a photograph. I've decided I'm going to post things with nudity. I draw a lot of nudes, it's just art.  How else do you learn to draw the figure?

Heh, just a quick little doodle. I thought it was funny :)

Heh,  I was flipping through a J Crew catalog and this model seriously looked like she was dead so... I killed her.  It's me trying to be funny, but I guess it's pretty morbid too...oops. Maybe I feel like drawing things like this when finals are close

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Monday....nope Tuesday again

I don't really have a lot this week.  I did finish the one of Accordion Bear being sad. I'm really really happy with it.  I downloaded smoke brushes and I LOVE them! I really like the cigarette butts too :) 

I wrote a little story to go with the image

Banjo Rat and Accordion Bear had been touring together for about a year. At first it was great, they were loved and their music was raved about in the press. Banjo Rat and Accordion Bear worked together on songs, wrote amazing music, jammed till three in the morning, it was all about creating. Banjo Rat loved it. 

But Accordion Bear definitely had some baggage. He smoked constantly, would get drunk, hit on women, and eventually started to take Banjo Rat for granted. He would accuse him of not being dedicated to the music, or being too much of an uneducated redneck. Banjo Rat put up with this because it only happened every now and then. But it began to happen more and more frequently. Accordion Bear would get smashed and end passing out in the gutter. Banjo Rat took care of him when he got like this, but it didn't matter, it just kept happening more and more. 

One day Banjo Rat finally gave up, after a particularly nasty fight they had. Banjo Rat left Accordion Bear and didn't look back. When Accordion Bear finally sobered up enough to realize that Banjo Rat was gone, he was devastated. He wallowed in self pity, hanging out at the back of a sleazy night club. Smoking constantly, making sad forlorn music, and just feeling like shit. He didn't know how long he would feel this bad...but he wanted it to stop. He realized that his music, his state of mind, his whole life was always better with Banjo Rat in it. He had to change. He had to change to keep his best friend, the only thing that really mattered, in his life.

Yep, he's a sleazy guy, but really has a heart of gold buried waaaaaay down there.