Monday, October 3, 2011


Bon Iver again.  Really good music to draw to I find.

Lots of school stuff. I'm actually quite enjoying the recent stuff we've been doing in my figure class.  We're incorporating printed image that my professor found with the model, and using the Golden Mean. This one is my first attempt, and i think that it's lacking a lot.  I think that the kitty is drawn really well, and I don't want to mess it up, but I know it still needs something.

The second go around was more successful I think.  I love how the bird turned out and i think the composition is pretty dynamic, that little cowboy in the back makes it for me.

This is the continuation of my plant people series.  It's still not done, but here are some in progress shots.

Originally both her arms were flung back, and I liked it that way, but it needed something at the top of the painting, so her right arm is now flailing about.  I couldn't decide if i liked it, but I think it does help the composition.

Getting there! Need to finish up the hand, and work on the background and lighting.

This was a birthday present for one of my very good friends.These animals had significance to her and I smooshed all together and added some designy elements.

Drawings of my man.  When I feel sad or lonely I just sketch him and I feel a lot better <3

Rar! Halloween Emily!

Still doing my thing.  It's really important to my mental state.  I use to try to draw everyday and I realized recently that I wasn't doing that anymore which makes me sad.  I gotta get back in that habit of doing it EVERY DAY!!!