Friday, December 2, 2011

Get Gone

 Fiona Apple Angry girl music.  Sometimes it just hits the spot.

Holy balls, the semester ends in a week! I don't know what I'm gonna do when I wont have the structure of school.  I'll be a college graduate! With a useless degree! That's what grad school is for I guess.  I'm pretty nervous though, my new dream is to make a studio in my garage and hide away from the world and paint.  I don't want to deal with the real world of finding a career and living expenses and all that. Anywho... Here's some art from my last semester of school!

Mucha inspired

More Mucha-esque stuff

Self portrait

From my life drawing class :)

This was my final for life drawing.  It's a little raunchy, but people laughed that's what I wanted. Ah, the joys of dating life :)

Finished piece from the plant people series. This one is called "Offer"

This semester was really quite productive for me.  I feel like I really developed my style. I'm quite drawn to the raunchy humor, and I have a bunch of funny sketches that are quite crude and inappropriate I love doing them! Making light of things that really bother me with quite cathartic :)