Friday, April 15, 2011

One more chain I break to get me closer to you

Rufus Wainwright I've loved Rufus Wainwright for a long time

This post is really just to share my excitement about recent happenings.  I submitted two of my paintings for the student show. I got one in, the Rabbit Lady, and I was really excited! I've never been in a show, and even though it's just the senior show, it was still juried and it's still an honor to be accepted.  So here's me with my framed painting on a gallery wall!

The professors also hung up the works that got rejected on the third floor of the art building, so here's me with my cute little rejected painting.

I was productive today though.  I finally finished a birthday present for a girl I know.  Her birthday was Feb 4 so it's 2 months late, but you can't rush art! It's her horse, Sugar, and my god this painting was so time consuming and hard.  I'm glad it's done and I'm never going to do a painting for someone's birthday again.  It's acrylic on canvas, 18x24.

So that's that.  I'll post some more sketchbook stuff soon, I like showing my drawings more than my completed works.  I think they are much more interesting.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Scattered shadows on the wall

The Weepies again. Lovely lovely artists.

Well, I've been busy with the end of the semester approaching.  Working on my final projects and what not.  First we have the continuation of the Hare lady and Coyote lady narrative.  This piece went surprisingly fast, only about 10 hours.  I'm really happy with it too, so much emotion! It done in oil on an 18x24 panel.

Next up we have my Advanced Figure Drawing final. The instructions were to have two figures to create narrative.   I was happy about that, I'm big on narrative :) So it's a self portrait with my doggy.  Done in Charcoal 14x17 on Bristol paper.  It's pretty much an exact copy of a photo my friend took of me, but I loved the image so much I wanted to draw it. I might also use the same image for my Painting final, we'll see.

I am so excited for this semester to be over so I can focus on what I want again. This is all very beneficial though.  It's also kinda scary, because I only have one semester left and them I'm done with college! Crazy!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Please speak well of me

The Weepies Love this whole album

Here are a few paintings from one of my classes.  First is an Indonesian mask that my professor had.  It's very light and I used a lot of turpentine. I like it though, it was fun :) 12x 12 oil on wood

This was drawn from a big stuffed goose my professor had. I made a very kitschy painting, but I like it.  12 x 12 oil on wood.

These are a few pages from my new sketchbook that I really liked.  The figure ones are from the Saturday morning sessions I always go to.

I wanted to try drawing something besides animals and people, turns out I can draw cars! It was actually a lot of fun, I think I'll do more in the future. Smart cars are so freaking cute.

Drawing Banjo rat, I love that guy. I'm trying to understand rat anatomy more so that I can abstract it in a believable way.  Their skeletons are really long.  And look! Banjo Rat with his eyes open! That very rarely happens :) 

Just having a grand 'ol time drawing away.  I'll be happy when the semester is over and I can focus more on my personal rat again. 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Seward Park

Grand Hallway The titles of my blogs will now always be what I'm listening to at the moment :)

So continuing with my updating here are some more paintings I've done this semester. For one of my classes, my professor told me to stop doing Banjo Rat because it was too Disney.  Never mind that I eventually want to work for Disney and that cartoons are what I create, just ignore that information and tell me to paint things the way you want me too, that's really getting the most out of my education.  Anyway... So this isn't what I usually do, but it's got conceptual stuff and visual metaphors so it's good for my grade.

This is me trying to make some snazzy art school paintings.  I do like these pieces, but I don't think I'll continue with them after the class.  It's done on a 16x20 canvas in oil.  The Hare Woman's name is Claire :)

These are a series of progress shots continuing with the Hare Woman theme. First we have the acrylic underpainting, it's an 18x24 canvas.

Then I Got the background in there very loosely. Blocked in some highlights and shadows on the figures as well.

Started to get more detailed on Coyote Woman and the background, fixed the anatomy a little on Hare Woman.

Finished up Coyote Woman, still ignoring Hare Woman.

Starting to get the details in on Hare lady.

Finally finished the piece! It only took my about a month :P

So yeah, I do like the pieces, but I like Banjo Rat soooooo much more. These are still original Emily characters, but they just aren't as fun.  I'm only doing one more in this series and then it'll be done and I can focus on my funny little Rat guy :)

City of refuge

Abigail Washburn She's a banjo player...of course I love her.

Wow! So it's been a while.... This semester has been crazy demanding, so I haven't had much time to post all my art.  I have been doing a lot of art though. Two figure classes and a Painting class.  I have lots of art to show for it as well!

First off we have some of the paintings I've done for my figure painting class. The guidelines are pretty loose so I've been doing animals for my homework assignments.  I love it.  So here's my dog, Zoogie.  I love this pup :)

And here's my other dog, Mira.  She's a Springer Spaniel.  I think this the most successful of the animal ones. 

This was the latest one I did.  A portrait of my rats, Penelope and Raisin.  This is my least favorite.  Rats are hard to paint, they are just squishy balls of fur.  I don't really like the blue background on this one either.  Figure ground relationships are always hard for me.  

I do paint people in my figure class as well, I'm just not as good with them. It's skin tone that always gives me trouble.  But here's a self portrait I did.

My favorite part about this one is my nose.  I feel I handled it the best.  All of these are done in acrylic on 12x12 canvas.

That's all for now, but I'll try to update more regularly again.  I do have lots of art to share ;)