Friday, May 11, 2012

My friends, my dear friends

Laura Marling Amazing English folk singer, lots of banjo which I love!

Seriously loving my job.  I have so much to draw and I'm having a lot of fun coming up with interesting compositions as well as just little studies.  I've stopped drawing on scrap paper and just started carrying around my sketchbook. So worth it.  I still do little doodles from my brain, but mostly I'm drawing all the stuff at the museum.

In my drawing group, we had a sketchbook challenge of doing the next ten pages of perspective poses. Keeping things dynamic and interesting. This horse is from my brain, the dog was from a magazine ad. The skeleton is of Bison Latifrons, a bison from the Pleistocene.  I also discovered how much I love drawing smoke :)

Dire wolf skeleton and a Utahceratops Gettyi carcass 

Butterflies from our insect collection.  Our on hand entomologist said I could take a box home and hone  my skills so she could use me for scientific illustrations if she need too.  Way exciting!!

This is my favorite one so far. Pangolin!

More perspective drawings, and a boring static pose :P

From a magazine

Doodled a dragon that is remarkably similar to the one in Spirited Away

My friend Stephanie got married on May 5th, and asked me to do some illustrations of her and her man, Robin.  Everyone colored them at the reception and it was a lot fun!

My coworker Nick, asks my to draw really fun stuff and in return he buys my coffee, which is very handy on my morning shifts.  I really love doing these ridiculous scenarios he comes up with.

Also continuing with my funny dog portrait series.  
Lady Regina K. Bloddington

General Roland D. Westchesterfield 

So my job is great for filling up my sketchbook, I feel way productive and I feel like the museum is a really good fit for me.  I hope that I will get to move up and do more artsy things for the museum, I love it there.