Monday, November 12, 2012


Temper Trap I keep going back and forth whether I like these guys or not.  Just depends on my mood I s'pose.

Been feeling pretty groovy lately! Playing around with colored pencils a bit, they are so vibrant on the toned paper! I love it. Also doing watercolor a bit more.  I'm think I'm addicted to color.  I want to rub my eyeballs on it.

So here are some elephants I painted on election night. Everyone's arguing about politics and I'm just in the corner painting to heart's content.  (Unfortunate that elephants are associated with the republican party.)

Inked those sketches of Accordion Bear, and playin with pencils.

Magical Space Unicorn!! And a deer lady and Zoogie.

Drew this with no plan, just wanted to get something down quick with markers then I colored on top of it. 

Totally stolen from an artist on DeviantArt.  

Doodles for my rats Penny and Cicely.

Animal people!! One of my re-occuring themes it appears.

Trying to so some neat backgrounds in a very illustrative style.  Can't decide if I should color it or not.

Deer lady again!

Naked lady again.  Drawn from an IKEA catalog, but I added the girl and dogs. Excited to finish it.

Feeling productive again! Maybe I'm entering a good creative space :)