Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Monday post slightly belated due to art block and sickness

Ugh, I have the cold from hell. My face hurts, and I kinda feel like I should just crawl in a hole and die.  It doesn't help that I have massive art block.  I have all these great ideas, but they just aren't turning out how I want them too.

First we have a doodle I did of Banjo Rat receiving the banjo from Papa Banjo rat.  I love the sketch, I love how scruffy Papa Banjo rat is.

When I scanned this image in to color it, I just had no idea what to do for a background.  Backgrounds are always the hardest part for me to finish, but very rewarding when they turn out nicely.  Still doesn't make me want to do them.

I just don't know of the background is overpowering the characters. I wanted to show where they live, in a neat little hollowed out log, but I thought if I cropped it then it wouldn't make sense.  But I don't like how small the characters are and I don't like the composition.  I don't know how to fix it either.  Ugh, I hate backgrounds. 

Finished this piece finally. I couldn't make a lot of the elements work, so I just decided to ax them.  I wanted to have all these cute homey things, like the rocking chair and a porch light, but I was so sick of this drawing I just wanted it to be done.  I'm still not super happy with how it turned out, but it's done and that's good enough for me at the moment.

I do like how the texture on the log came out though :) And I can't get over how excited Baby Banjo Rat is! Look at his big baby teeth! So cute :)


  1. gosh this is so amazing to me. To see how the process begins and what it becomes. I don't know much about animation but its really impressive to watch others do it. Drawing is such an amazing talent.

  2. Looks great. If you're concerned about the background overpowering the characters, I think it has less to do with size and coloring as much as it does with the blurred/air-brush style. It may seem counter-intuitive, but having the blurred chair in the foreground actually calls more attention to it than just having it in focus along with the characters would I think. Anyway, looks wonderful overall, hope you can get it to a point where you're satisfied with it.

  3. Hello: hoping to use your great pic of the bear and the accordion for our village hall dance this new year. You can see it on Facebook here. https://scontent-b-lhr.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/1480662_684853298212746_79162385_n.jpg Who should I credit?
